
Cabinet Makers and Joiners

An easier way to find the technical details you need. For those with their hands on the tools.

eShop Help Guide

Learn about some excellent features of our online shop. Use it for:

Want to talk to someone?

Call Customer Service
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
0800 438 842

Now let’s get started.
Steph, our Customer Services Manager talks you through essentials for our ‘eShop’ below:

Getting Started

Logging in for the first time? Here’s a quick video tutorial to get you started


Create a favourites list with Steph and learn some essential tips and tricks to make sure your orders are quick and easy

Now, let’s order from a favourites list. Perfect for popular and repetitive orders, saving you time!

Product Comparisons

Not quite sure what the difference is? Use our handy dandy product comparison tool to find out what, why and how it is different, along with some great tips from Steph.